Report Stolen Metals

The NZ Association of Metal Recyclers works actively with the New Zealand Police to fight the problem of metal theft. In New Zealand, copper products such as spouting, hot water cylinders and cables are the most commonly reported stolen items. Other items like batteries (for their lead), manhole covers and decorative garden items have also been targeted.

The Association and its members remain committed to reducing the problem of stolen metals. Once you complete the form below, the information will be circulated to metal recyclers in your region which are members of the Association or which have chosen to subscribe to the network.

Report thefts immediately to both us and the NZ Police – don’t delay. Thieves will often attempt to sell items the same day or within days. Your best chance of success in recovering your items is when you can supply identifying information and photographs of what has been stolen. Under-reporting of metal theft is a problem for our industry. Occasionally we receive requests to circulate names of individuals who are suspects. These requests can only come under the authority of the NZ Police; we will not circulate suspect names unless directed by the Police to do so.

It is technically illegal for a metal recycler to buy an item that they know is stolen but this is the only way they can capture the identification of the seller to help Police investigate and lay charges. By authorising the recycler to buy your item and collect the seller's information, you are also agreeing to reimburse them for what they have paid for your items. It is then up to you to work with Police on seeking compensation through the court system.

Contact Details

If you have any enquiries or comments please complete the form below.
First Name:
Last Name:

Stolen Metal Details

Type of metal(s) taken:
Date stolen:
Open the calendar popup.

Stolen From Address

Street/PO Box:
Post Code:

Case Details

Describe what was taken:
Have you contacted the NZ Police?
Upload photos:
CUS - Stolen Metals Report Application
Click Select or Drag and Drop multiple files:
(Allowed Extensions: JPG, PNG, JPEG, GIF; Max File Size: 4MB)
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If your materials are presented at a metal recycler, what would you like them to do?

Complete your report

Please understand that it is illegal for recyclers and scrap metal operators to knowingly purchase stolen metals. However, our members acknowledge that without doing so, it is difficult to obtain the information necessary to prosecute offenders. If you select one of the 'buy' options, you are authorising our members to do so on your behalf and will reimburse them for the purchase price.

Notice to members: when a victim authorises you to buy the materials, they have also certified that they are prepared to reimburse you for the purchase price of the stolen material.

2020 NZ Association of Metal Recyclers

making metal matter.


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